Email #1 -
Training at home with limited equipment?
The best home gym exercises you've never heard of...
Try these
killer, new exercises you can do with dumbbells, a barbell and a bench
If you're training at home with limited, basic equipment, you're going to LOVE this...
It's called "The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of"...and it is AWESOME.
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It contains 277 incredibly effective exercises you can do with just dumbbells, a barbell and a bench.
That's it.
If you're currently training at home this is exactly what you need to not only maintain your muscle and strength but take it to a whole new level at the same time.
And if you're training at a gym, ALL of these exercises can be done at a gym, too.
In fact, having these in your repertoire will allow you to go claim an isolated corner of the weight room and do your own thing without having to get too close to anybody.
Click here to check it out now
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This book has a ton of exercises for every major muscle group in your body...chest, biceps, triceps, back, traps, quads, hamstrings, glutes, shoulders, calves, and abs...
...literally everything you need for a complete workout using just a few pieces of equipment.
Discover how these unique, new exercises will hit your muscles in ways that beat even the best machines at the gym!
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Email #2
A "secret" exercise for big arms...
A non-curl barbell exercise for bigger arms
How to build big arms without curls...
Target the "hidden potetial" muscle that will explode your arm size.
Building bigger arms is a goal that almost nobody has... ;)
Uh huh...
Seriously, though, getting bigger arms can be a real challenge, especially if you only focus on building the biceps and sometimes the triceps.
There is actually ANOTHER muscle that sits under the bicep that is almost always completely ignored or trained very light if trained at all.
It's the brachialis.
Hammer curls and reverse curls work it.
But what if there was a way to work this small muscle with HUNDREDS of pounds of resistance, using the big, strong muscles of the back to push it harder than it's ever been pushed before.
You know there is...that's why I'm talking about it!
The exercise is called Very Close Grip Barbell Row and it's really just that simple.
It's the first exercise on this can watch the video demo for it here.
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The first time I did this one, I was literally SHOCKED at how fast it pumped my arms up. I'm going to be using this one a lot.
Check it out here
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Email #3
Get an incredible chest contraction with this exercise
Insane pec exercise...better than a pec deck...
This will fire up your chest like crazy...
For real, you'll get a better contraction with it than you will with a pec deck or cable crossover machine.
It's a very simple's called Lying Side Dumbbell Flyes.
You lie on your side on a bench, with your shoulders off the end. Then, with your arm locked, you raise a dumbbell up and in front of your body like a scoop.
This brings the dumbbell up and across the centerline of your chest with vertical tension...and since you're lying on your side, it's direct tension on the function that is EXACTLY what your pec muscle is made for.
The peak contraction you're going to get from this one is absolutely incredible.
It's the second exercise on this page...
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You won't miss the pec deck at all.
Click here to check it out now (scroll down to the second demo video to see it in action)
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Email #4
Dumbbell Squeeze Sit-Ups...AMAZING lower ab exercise...
Insane lower ab exercise...2 dumbbells
This will SHOCK your lower abs
The first time I did this one, I was SHOCKED at how well it worked my lower abs.
This exercise is deceptively's a straight leg sit-up, done in a very specific manner.
Set two dumbbells on the floor, set beside your hips. I’ve got a pair of 65’s but weight isn’t too important as you won’t be lifting them.
Here's the start position.

The most critical thing to remember is to squeeze the dumbbells inwards against your hips, right from the start.
Press them HARD against your hips then perform a straight leg sit-up.

This inwards tension takes the hip flexors almost completely out of the exercise and puts the workload and the tension right into the lower abs.
As well, you're "sort of" using the dumbbells to pull yourself up...ish. You'll see what I mean when you try it.
Keep squeezing inwards and coming up until you're sitting upright.

Lower down under control and repeat.
It’s surprisingly tough.
My lower abs were on fire by the end of the set...get as many reps as you can until your form starts to break down.
You can watch the video for this exercise in action here (it helps a lot!)
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