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Metabolic Monsters

The Hook:

"Metamorphosis" is a muscle-building program like nothing you've ever seen before. Instead of directly targeting muscle growth, you'll be targeting the underlying physiology of your body that SUPPORTS muscle growth.

Your genetic muscle growth limitations are NOT genetic...they're a result of the current state of your physiology and can be TRAINED to get better. And every program you do from then on will work better for building muscle.

This makes Metamorphosis a complementary program to literally ANY other muscle-building program on the market.

You can read more about this book by clicking here.

Instructions for how to make your affiliate link can be found below, along with swipe emails and graphics you can use in your promotions.

Link Generator

To set up your links, use the following link generator or you can manually place your affiliate nickname where the "xxxxx's" are.


Type your Clickbank nickname in the box and click the button to customize the links below:


Direct link to the "Metamorphosis" main sales page:


Direct link to the "Be 10% Stronger In Your Dumbbell Curls Instantly" landing page:

Click here to preview the landing page


Swipe Emails

Included in this section are a variety of emails you can send out to your mailing list. There are a variety of approaches, from short curiosity to long/informational to content landers and FAQs. You know your list, so use whatever you think will resonate most with them.

If you have any suggestions for swipe focus you'd like to see, let me know and I'll write it up for you.

I would also HIGHLY recommend changing up the swipe copy to better match your own voice.

In the emails below, just change out where it says "Sign Off" and put in your Clickbank nickname where the xxxxx's are.

Email #1 - Short Intro/Curiosity

This email is a quick one to get people to the sales page, where they'll get a more in-depth explanation of the program (as well as 20-minute video rundown - not salesy, just good info).


Subject Lines:

This explains why you can't build muscle...
Your genetic limits for muscle are's why...
Discover why your genetic limits on muscle are not real
Forget genetics...
F$%K your genetics...


Are you stuck?

For real...take an honest look back at the results you've gotten in your training the past few years.

Have you made significant progress in your muscle mass and strength?

If not, are you concerned that you've hit your genetic limit for muscle growth?'s the thing...your genetic limits on muscle are total BS.

You see, what you've hit is your PHYSIOLOGICAL limit to muscle growth, NOT your true genetic limit.

What this means is that the underlying structures and systems in your body HAVE maxed out based on your current physiology.

However, this underlying physiology can be trained and improved to literally UNLOCK a whole new level of muscle growth and strength that simply wasn't possible for you before.

Discover a revolutionary approach to accessing your TRUE muscle-building potential here.

We're going to rebuild your body from the inside out...and it's going to be awesome.

Sign Off


Email #2 - Quiz

This email is another short one that leads with a "test" of knowledge that sets up the sales page and video


Subject Lines:

QUIZ: Which of these is holding back your gains?
[Quiz]: What's the single most important factor for building mass?
Muscle Quiz...if you fail, you don't grow
Fail this Muscle Quiz and you won't grow
Muscle Quiz...get it right and you'll grow like a weed


If you've hit the wall in your muscle growth, there IS a reason. Which of these reasons do you think it is that's holding you back?

(and if you get the answer wrong, you're setting yourself up for YEARS of poor results and constant disappointment in the gym.)

Get it right, and you will GROW like a weed...

So which of these things is stopping your muscles gains cold?

A. You're not lifting heavy enough weights

B. You're not taking enough supplements

C. You're not eating enough quality food

D. You have poor muscle-building genetics

E. Your internal physiology isn't optimized for building muscle


The answer will surprise you!

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Email #3 - Content Lander

This email will take people to an excellent training tip for the dumbbell curl. It's a very simple trick that instantly increases nervous system drive to the biceps. It's an excellent one that somebody can take to the gym and feel the difference immediately (without looking too crazy!), which gives credibility to the overall approach in the book.


Subject Lines:

How to be 10-15% stronger on dumbbells curls INSTANTLY...
A "Mad Scientist" neuro hack to instantly curl 10-15% more weight
Try this insane "Mad Scientist" trick to curl 10-15% more weight INSTANTLY
10-15% stronger curls NOW...


Now, I personally don't know any guy that thinks their arms are too big and too muscular or that they're just way too strong on their curls...

So with in mind, I want you to try this killer technique from the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" (that's him in the picture above) for instantly curling more weight, using just a very simple nervous system "hack."

You can read about it and see it in action here.

It WORKS and it will help you build bigger, stronger arms FASTER than regular training.

Sign Off



Email #4 - 45 Year Old Beast

This is a results-driven email that works well for an over-40 male audience. It uses myself as an example of what can be achieved with this type of training.

Here are a few pics (and a gif of a 535 lb trap bar deadlift) that you can choose from to use within the body of this email. Use one or a few...whatever you think your list will respond best to.

Just right-click and choose "Save Target As" to download the pic.


Subject Lines:

45 years old and a BEAST in the he does it
How a 45 year old guy CRUSHES the young guys in the gym
45 and an unstoppable BEAST in the gym...


There always seems to be that guy...experienced in the gym, knows what he's doing, who just gets down to business CRUSHING monster weights that leave the young guys with their jaws hanging on the floor.

Have you ever wondered what his secret is?

Well, I know one of those guys. His name is Nick Nilsson and he's known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle"...and for good reason.

For almost 30 years, he's been putting together new exercises, training techniques and science-based training programs that are downright REVOLUTIONARY.

This is Nick right now at age 45...and he's a lifetime NATURAL bodybuilder.

[insert pic here]

Right now, he wants to share with you the REAL secret to building the kind of serious muscle mass you're looking for.

And here's the crazy's NOT by focusing on building muscle.

What Nick has discovered is something truly revolutionary...

Your muscle mass is NOT limited by your's limited by your PHYSIOLOGY (all the interconnected systems in your body that support your muscle mass...your "base", so to speak).

And your physiology can be TRAINED and IMPROVED so that you can build muscle pretty much ON DEMAND...

The beauty of it is, anybody can do this training.

However...if you don't know HOW to properly train your physiology, you will waste YEARS of your time and effort finding it out by trial and error.

These are years you will never get back...years that you could be spending piling on the muscle instead of struggling and fighting to gain a quarter inch on your biceps.

It's taken Nick almost 30 years of experimentation and research to nail this formula.

And he's sharing it with you right here, right now.

The bottom line is this...

Building muscle is not easy...but it doesn't have to be so hard, either.

If you want to know what's REALLY holding you back from achieving the muscle gains you want, learn from somebody who has been there and done that.

Discover the real reason you're stuck where you are and why your "genetic limits" for building muscle are total BS.

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Email #5 - FAQ

This is an excellent email to finish with (other than a "last chance" email). It's a way to address the objections that a person might have with regards to the program, taking away their reasons to not buy it.


Subject Lines:

Metamorphosis FAQ...all your questions answered
Got more questions about Metamorphosis?
Your Metamorphosis questions answered...
What you need to know about Metamorphosis...


For the past few days, I've been talking about Nick Nilsson's new "Metamorphosis" program and how it can help you remake your body from the inside to better support massive muscle growth and strength.

This is a groundbreaking program that will result in DEEP changes to the your body the likes of which you've never experienced before (for real).

I do want to be clear right up front...this program is not for everybody. It's awesome stuff and it's definitely for you if you're willing to push beyond your comfort zone to make some serious changes to your physique.

This link will take you to the top of the page where you can watch the 20-minute video rundown that tells you all about how it works.

Here are the answers to some of the questions you might still have...

Q. Do I get free lifetime updates of the book?

Absolutely. You'll get every single update made to this program forever for free. Nick is constantly research and testing new training protocols and methods. If something works better, it's going in the book and you'll get it free.

Q. What equipment do I need to have to do the program with?

This program uses standard gym equipment, primarily free weight, benches and (ideally) a power rack or Smith machine. If you only have dumbbells and no barbells, no will be able to do most of the program as-is. It will just require a few modifications.

Q. Do I need to take a lot of supplements with this program?

Honestly, you don't NEED to take any supplements at all with the program. However, in several of the phases, there are supplements that are HIGHLY recommend to take because of how effective they are in achieving the goals of each phase.

For example, in the Angiogenesis phase, there is one nutrient that must be present in the bloodstream in order for the body to stimulate new blood vessel growth. This nutrient is best delivered via supplementation rather than food.

In the program, you'll discover the cheapest source for's actually incredible stuff and useful in all phases of the program (and any other program you're doing). It's a single ingredient that you can buy in bulk...and it's NOT creatine.

And it is a's something you'll never want to train without again.

Q. What if I have questions or need help while I'm doing the program?

Nick has set up a private coaching group on Facebook so that he can help you with whatever questions you've got about the program...before, during or after. You'll get full access to this. He's here to help you every step of the way and his full support is included when you buy the program. If you're not on Facebook, you'll get his private email to ask whatever you need to get the most out of this program.

Q. Can I do parts of the program separately or do I have to do it all at once?

The program itself consists of 4 phases of 3 weeks each...Angiogenesis (blood vessel density), Connective Tissue, Hyperplasia (muscle fiber splitting), and Nervous System Efficiency. For best reuslts, it is HIGHLY recommended that you go through the program as-is. It's carefully designed to maximize carryover between phases.

However, if you don't think you can commit to 3 months straight, there's nothing that says you can't do the phases separately as you're able to. You're still going to benefit tremendously from performing each of the 4 phases, even if done on their own.

These phases will optimize your physiology for each stated goal, regardless of when you do them, so don't let the duration of the program scare you off from getting it, reading through it and trying it out.

Grab your copy of Metamorphosis here.

Q. Is this program good for women?

This program is good for EVERYBODY. It optimizes the physiology of the human body, whether it's a male body or female body. The underlying physiology that we're working on is exactly the same. If you're a woman and you want to build more muscle and strength, this is absolutely for you.

Q. Is this program good for older trainers (e.g. 50+ years old)?

Definitely. The only considerations I would bring up would be recovery and past injuries. As you get older, your recovery rate does slow down. That's just what happens. It's a simple matter to adjust the program by adding more rest days, as needed.

In terms of past injuries, that's a consideration for everybody and it's also something Nick can help you work around in the private coaching group you'll get access to.

Truth be told, this program is a GREAT way to fight Sarcopenia, which is the age-related decrease in muscle mass we see as we get older. The methods in the program directly address the root causes of the problem and can help you keep and even BUILD muscle mass well into your later years.

Q. Is this program good for teenagers?

Potentially yes. It really depends on the teenager who is going to be using the program....their "training age," their experience with weight training, maturity level (in terms of being willing to follow instructions and advice), that type of thing. If this program is used properly by a teenager who is truly ready for it, it's going to give them a MASSIVE head start in the muscle-building process for their entire life.

Pick up your copy of Metamorphosis here.

Q. I'm a beginner. Can I do this program, too?

I wouldn't recommend it, to be frank. This program is an intermediate/advanced level program that's just not appropriate for somebody with less than 6 months to a year of solid training under their belt.

Your body is making rapid adaptations to strength training on its own already...once that process slows down (and it will), THEN you're ready for Metamorphosis. You can still get the it and understand it...just don't use it until you're ready.

Q. What if I buy the program, read through it, and don't think it's for me?

Then you'll get your money back. Simple as that. No questions asked. You'll have a full 60 days to read through the program and try it out. If you think it's not for you, let Nick know and he'll send you a refund right away.

No risk to you at all. My recommendation would be for you to buy it and see what you think. You're going to learn a TON about muscle growth and strength, even if you never use the program itself at all.

Q. Is this a one-time payment or recurring billing membership?

This is just a single, one-time payment and with it, you get EVERYTHING you need to make this program work to the maximum.

Don't miss out...grab your copy of Metamorphosis here...

I do want to leave you with one final thought...

If you're not happy with the results you're currently getting with your training, if you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting.

You don't have to be stuck.

Metamorphosis is literally a completely NEW paradigm in building muscle and's "Human Being 2.0."

If you're serious about your training, this is a program you need to do.

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Cover Graphics

These covers are free for you to use on your site for marketing the book. They are extremely effective placed near your ad copy as they show people what looks like a real product. This can really help with increasing traffic through your affiliate link.

To get these graphics, simply right-click on top of them and choose "Save Picture As..." from the menu that pops up. Save them to your hard drive for use on your site or in your emails.






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