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The Best Arm Exercises
On this page, I've got 4 arm exercises taken directly from the book that you can use to promote it. The content of the article itself should remain as-is but feel free to write up your own introduction and follow-up to the exercise information, e.g. your exerperiences with the exercises, how you liked them, etc. The author bio area should remain the as-is (with the exception of your affiliate link, of course!) - it's going to have a strong call to action to encourage people to go to the site and get MORE free sample exercises to try out. Here's the list of exercises...just click on the title to get to the exercise. DEFINITELY grab the exercise pictures directly off the page as well. Just right-click and choose "save picture as" and post them on your page where they are located in the article. Feel free to add some formatting to the article (bold, italics, underlines, etc.) when you're posting these on a web page or change the title to suit your audience. |
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1. | Nilsson Curls | I named it after myself because this exercise is just so freaking cool ;). It's a bodyweight exercise for biceps that LOOKS like a chin-up but forces almost ALL the resistance directly onto your biceps. It's insane. |
2. | On Barbell Tricep Extension-Presses | This one is a mash-up of two bodyweight tricep exercises that, when combined, will pump your tri's up like CRAZY. Very little equipment required, which is nice for home-gym trainers like myself. |
3. | Incline Face-Away Pushdowns and Presses | This unique pushdown variation will set your triceps on fire! The angle of your body combined with the continuous tension of the cable will light 'em up from top to bottom. |
Nilsson Curls - The Best Bicep Exercise EVER... By Nick Nilsson This exercise is an excerpt from Nick's new book "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of"...68 unique exercises for the biceps, triceps and forearms. If you're looking to break through a plateau, get some training variety or just have some fun in your training again definitely check this book out! http://hop.clickbank.net/?XXXXX/betteru&l=800 --- If you want to TRULY maximize your bicep mass, you're going to LOVE this exercise. It's one of my very favorite for building bi's. The reason I named it after myself is that it basically summarizes what I'm all about - doing everything completely "backwards" and getting MUCH better results! That, plus I thought it would cool to have at least ONE exercise name after myself when this one really catches on :) The Nilsson Curl looks almost exactly like a chin-up. In fact, another name I've called this exercise is the "Forearm-Braced Chin-Up". Because what you'll be doing IS a chin-up...but you'll be doing that chin-up with your forearms braced against another bar so that the VAST majority of the tension goes to your biceps instead of your back. Just so you know up front, you'll need to be able to do probably 6 to 10 or so regular chins before you can really use this exercise. If you can't yet do that many chins, don't worry! I'm also including a "standing" version below that allows you to set your feet on the ground and spot yourself throughout the movement. I mean think about it - imagine the kind of growth response you'll get from an exercise that puts the full tension of almost your entire bodyweight directly onto your biceps... That's the beauty of this exercise - it's a bodyweight exercise, which means increased muscle fiber activation AND you use your entire bodyweight to do it.
To do this exercise, you'll need a rack or a chin-up bar that allows you to set another close underneath it. Alternatively, you can also use the metal ladder of playground apparatus (that works quite well, too). Set the racking pins (where you would normally rack the bar on a squat, for instance) to the highest point you can on the rack. Now move the safety rails to a point that is about 8 to 12 inches below that (you can play with this height when you try the exercise to get the best dimensions for you). Set a bar on the top racking pins and set another bar on the safety rails, pushed up against the uprights. It's going to look like two rungs of a ladder. In my own setup, I load the top bar with weight plates to keep it from moving. You may find you need to do this with yours, too. Quick note on setup...if you have a power rack that has pins that you can slide in and out of the frame (I don't - mine are integrated right into the rack) you can also more easily get this set up by setting one safety rail in the top set of holes then the other safety rail in a set of holes below (making your own ladder, essentially). That's the easiest way to set this up and how I used to do it when I had access to a rack that I could do it with. Now get in the rack and take a close, underhand grip on the top bar. Your forearms should be braced up against the bottom bar, just above your elbows. Your arms should be straight when you're at the bottom. Now start doing a chin-up. As you pull yourself up, your forearms will press against the bottom bar. THIS is what changes it into a biceps-oriented movement. Pull yourself all the way up until your nose is at the top bar then lower slowly. That's the exercise! And it's a TOUGH one...I don't care how strong your biceps are. It's going to challenge and you will LOVE the way it feels. When I used to train at a commercial gym, I showed this one to a guy who was built like a gymnast...HUGE biceps, not very big legs. He did 5 reps, his arms swelled up like balloons and he couldn't wipe the grin off his face. So as you get stronger with it, you can also add weight by holding a dumbell between your feet or wearing a dip belt. But that's VERY advanced. This exercise is just BRUTAL even with just your bodyweight. Do it FIRST in your bicep routine (trust me). You won't need to do a whole lot of anything else for bi's when you do 3 or 4 sets of this one... Click this link to the view the video for this exercise: http://hop.clickbank.net/?XXXXX/betteru&l=802
It's basically the exact same exercise only instead of setting the two bars up high, you set them a bit lower so you can keep your feet on the ground and spot yourself by standing up when you need help! When it comes to hitting the biceps (even with your feet down), the difference between this exercise and a regular chin-up is just AMAZING. You'll feel almost ALL the tension go right into the biceps. So here's what the standing version looks like. You can do this in rack, using the set up I have here or you can use the safety rails in the rack, same as I mentioned above - just set the two rails into one side so they look like ladder rungs - it'll give you the same effect. With this version, I have a bar setting in the racking pins and a bar sitting on top of the rails. I have the weight on the top bar to help keep it from moving. You want about a foot spacing in between the two bars. You'll be gripping the top bar and bracing your forearms on the bottom bar. So stand in front of the bar and get a grip - a little inside shoulder width - underhand grip. Set your feet a little forward then squat down. Now pull yourself up, as though you were doing a chin-up. Use your legs only as much as you need to for help. The majority should be bicep pull. Pull all the way to the top and squeeze your biceps HARD. Lower and repeat. Remember, use help from your legs only as much as you need to. You can also use this setup to do negative reps, standing up on the positive and taking your feet off the ground to use your full bodyweight on the negative. Your biceps will be on fire after a few sets of this one - a bodyweight bicep exercise! Click this link to the view the video for this exercise: http://hop.clickbank.net/?XXXXX/betteru&l=803
About the Author: Nick Nilsson, also known as the "Mad Scientist of Exercise," has been training and innovating unique and powerful new exercises and training techniques for more than 20 years. He's published 11 books on weight training, including "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of" Visit his site now to learn more about how this book can take your arm development to a whole new level AND get your FREE sample ebook packed with 7 MORE extraordinary arm exercises! http://hop.clickbank.net/?XXXXX/betteru&l=800 |
On-Barbell Tricep Extension-Presses...A Bodyweight Exercise For MONSTER Triceps By Nick Nilsson This exercise is an excerpt from Nick's new book "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of"...68 unique exercises for the biceps, triceps and forearms. If you're looking to break through a plateau, get some training variety or just have some fun in your training again definitely check this book out! http://hop.clickbank.net/?XXXXX/betteru&l=800 --- Okay, you got me...I had no idea what to call this one. That's a common problem with me because I come up with some pretty wild combinations of other exercises - sometimes the naming is harder than the exercise itself! Not this one, though. It's a combination of close grip push-up, a tricep extension and almost a horizontal pike handstand push-up/Arnold press. Try and mash THAT into a coherent name. Anyway, for this one you'll need a barbell and a bench (or chair or whatever) and something to brace the barbell on. I'm using a rack to push the bar up against and that was the easiest but it can be anything solid. A wall won't really work because your body has to go forward over the bar a little ways. So set a couple of plates on the bar to get it up off the ground a bit then push it up against the solid object. Set a bench a few feet back from the bar (it can be parallel or lengthwise - doesn't really matter as long as it won't slide out from under you). Set your hands on the bar about shoulder-width apart then set your feet on the bench. Get yourself into a pike position with your arms fully straight and locked out - this is the start position. This pike position is what makes it different than a standard close-grip push-up - you'll see why in a second. Now lower yourself down and forward, bending your arms and straightening out your body as you do so. Bring your body all the way down until your stomach is touching the bar. This is the bottom position. Now here comes the critical part - you're NOT just going to do a close-grip push-up here. You're going to push yourself UP and BACK into the pike position where you started... When you're at the top, be sure to push yourself all the way up and fully lock out your arms. Push your butt as high in the air as you can. This kicks in the long head of the triceps, bringing in the shoulder extension function of the triceps. It's hard to really get an idea for how this goes in the still pics here but when you see it done in the video, you'll see exactly why it's so effective for the triceps. You're not only doing a close-grip press but also using your triceps to push your body back up to the pike position. It's a great multiple-angle, bodyweight hit to the tri's. And let me tell you, even if you're strong, this'll have your triceps toasted in just a few sets. Now have a look at the video to really see it in action... http://hop.clickbank.net/?XXXXX/betteru&l=804
About the Author: Nick Nilsson, also known as the "Mad Scientist of Exercise," has been training and innovating unique and powerful new exercises and training techniques for more than 20 years. He's published 11 books on weight training, including "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of" Visit his site now to learn more about how this book can take your arm development to a whole new level AND get your FREE sample ebook packed with 7 MORE extraordinary arm exercises! http://hop.clickbank.net/?XXXXX/betteru&l=800 |
Incline Face-Away Pushdowns and Presses - Two Cable Exercises That Will Set Your Triceps on Fire! By Nick NilssonThis exercise is an excerpt from Nick's new book "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of"...68 unique exercises for the biceps, triceps and forearms. If you're looking to break through a plateau, get some training variety or just have some fun in your training again definitely check this book out! http://hop.clickbank.net/?XXXXX/betteru&l=800 --- The pushdown is, of course, one of the standard exercises for developing the triceps. This variation puts very powerful tension on the triceps. Not only do you have to do the exercise but the direction of pull from the high pulley means you also have to exert constant tension in order to keep your arms down at your sides. This is a great double-trouble exercise that will set your triceps on fire! First, set an incline bench in front of a high pulley with the bench facing away. You can use any attachment with this - bar, rope, triangle bar, etc. Lay back on the bench and reach back overhead and grab the attachment. Bring the cable down and in front to the start position you would normally begin the pushdown exercise. Keeping your arms at your sides, do the pushdown, coming around to the bottom. Squeeze the triceps very hard at the bottom. At the bottom, try to push your shoulders down as though you are trying to push the attachment down onto your thighs. This more fully engages the long head of the triceps, which is also partly responsible for shoulder adduction (which in English means bringing the arms down towards your hips) along with the lats. As you're doing the exercise, let the cable come down on either the left or right side of your neck...whichever is comfortable for you. Complete the full set of reps, let the bar back up overhead and set it back down. Now good luck trying to keep your arms down by your sides...your triceps are going to be so pumped up after that set! For an extra hit to the long head of the triceps, you can let the arms come up a bit at the top of the movement. This turns the top into a bit of a pullover movement, increasing the activation of the long head of the triceps utliizing that shoulder adduction that I mentioned above. The first time I did this exercise, it felt like somebody was jabbing knives into my triceps (in a good way, of course :)...the effect on the triceps is that strong. Here's the link view the video for this exercise: http://hop.clickbank.net/?XXXXX/betteru&l=808
Face Away Cable
Use the bar attachment for this exercise. Start the exercise with your arms extended like you were in the bottom of the pushdown. Now bring the bar up to your body, bending the elbows like you're doing a close grip press. The bar should hit you in the lower rib cage (this helps keep tension on and minimizes elbow pain). Keep your elbows in close to your sides (for variety, you can also try flaring them wide to the sides and see what works better for you). Push the bar down and away from your body and squeeze the triceps hard. The difference from the pushdown is that you're not coming around in an arc away from your body...you're keeping that bar nice and close to your body. This is what allows you to use more resistance on the exercise. This version of the close grip press works really well because it keeps tension on through the entire range of motion, even all the way to lockout, where the close-grip press usually loses tension. The upwards pulling tension of the cable means you have to use the triceps constantly in order to keep the bar down. When performing this exercise, it can be helpful to use a length of chain (or extra cable) to extend the reach of the cable. With an extra 2 feet of chain, you can start the exercise from a lower position so you don't have to pull the weight down from overhead. Just use the cable and set the bar on the bench. Before you sit on the bench, grab the handle, bring it around in front of your body, then begin the movement. It may take a little experimentation to get the right length on the chain but it's worth it because you can then use more weight on the exercise. This exercise can also be used as a burnout/finisher from the Incline Face Away Pushdown. Once you've done as many reps as you can on the pushdown, just finish up doing as many presses as you can. Your triceps will be completely burnt out by the end of that set! Here's the link view the video for this version of thee exercise: http://hop.clickbank.net/?XXXXX/betteru&l=809
Nick Nilsson, also known as the "Mad Scientist of Exercise," has been training and innovating unique and powerful new exercises and training techniques for more than 20 years. He's published 11 books on weight training, including "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of" Visit his site now to learn more about how this book can take your arm development to a whole new level AND get your FREE sample ebook packed with 7 MORE extraordinary arm exercises! http://hop.clickbank.net/?XXXXX/betteru&l=800 |